Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Cabin

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

We are not very good at sitting still these days. In the age of technology we are constantly bombarded with input kind of like Johnny Five in the movie Short Circuit. He craved information. We have been rewired to think we need a steady stream of information in order to feel fulfilled. For most people it's hard to unplug and just relax.

There is a meme going around social media that asks if you would live in a cabin in the woods with all that you need to survive except modern conveniences. No phone, internet, tv, radio, or electricity. If you survive a month you get a large sum of money. I know I would. I would love the opportunity to phase out for a while. But most people can't.

With all the noise and input it's hard to hear God. He's not going to yell. He'll be patient and wait for your uninterrupted attention. When you do hear him, joy will replace everything and you will praise him. You will see him move in your life.

So unplug and listen a while. You'll be surprised at what you hear.

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