Friday, March 30, 2018

But God

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 NIV

In verse 7 of Romans 5, the apostle was talking about how very rarely will one die for a righteous person, and certainly not for an unrighteous one. And then verse 8 begins with one of the most powerful statements in the Bible - But God! Us grammar geeks say that if you make a statement, then add the word 'but', it negates anything you said prior to that 'but', even if it was good. Let that sink in a moment here. The verse starts with 'but God'. If we apply our grammar logic, God negates anything that came before him. He negates sin. He negates death. He negates hate. But God.

I read an article yesterday about a Catholic college professor who stated he believes Jesus was gender fluid, then went on to nullify what Jesus did for us on that cross by spewing such twisted logic that I cannot and will not repeat it here. My heart broke reading it. Why? Because people will believe it and be led so far astray they won't find their way back. Jesus willingly went to that cross for the most heinous, ugly death imaginable - for US - for all of us. Did we do anything to deserve this kind of sacrifice? Nope. I know I didn't.

....but God - that's the true wonder and miracle of the cross, and nothing anyone can say ever will negate what God did for us.

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