Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Avengers

114 You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word. Psalm 119:114 NIV

I'm copied up in my newly appointed (almost finished) Star Wars room. It's really just our extra bedroom that we remade into a Star Wars themed room for watching movies and housing guests. Right now The Avengers is on tv. I think I'd feel pretty safe if I was protected by them, especially Hulk or Captain America. If they were real I'd like to think that the world would be a bit safer than it is now. But they're not real. It's only Hollywood magic for cosmic book heroes.

But God is real. His sword and shield are real. To be surrounded by him is to be completely protected. There's no need for heroes. He's got no use for a magic hammer or power suit. He's the almighty. He is enough.

Let God be your strength and shield. And let Hollywood have it's heroes.

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