Saturday, September 30, 2017

Good Purpose

for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 NIV

I had a bit of extra time this morning so I read the whole chapter of Philippians 2. It's very uplifting and teachable. There's a part of the verse that calls Jesus' followers to not act in their own interests like the world does, but to reach out and help others and act in their best interests. In a world about me, me, me it's refreshing to know that as Christians we have God's teachings to guide us so that we act accordingly.

But I wanted to focus on the last part of this verse: to fulfill His good purpose. It reminds us that we are not here for us. We are here for him and his purpose. His purpose is to have as many come to believe in him as possible. We accomplish this work in many ways. Sometimes it's having a good attitude at work while others are complaining. Other times it's sharing your experiences in order to help others. We help with prayer, giving and helping. There are many ways to share God's love.

So how will you set yourself apart to be used for God's good purpose?  Use me Lord for your will.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Fear and Safety

Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25 NIV

We live in a world where we fear man, where we are afraid of our fellow humans. Power hungry leaders threatening annihilation. Domestic terrorist groups threatening civil war. Religious zealots threatening certain destruction of all who don't believe their way. And last but not least, the person down the hall, down the street or down state who might be offended by what we say or believe. I don't say any of this to anyone's surprise. It's also not new to the 21st century. These things have been happening since the dawn of time.

So it's no wonder our stress levels are higher than in years past. It's stressful just waking out your door in the morning. Which makes it that much more important to know that the God of peace is on your side. This verse says he will keep you safe. Your soul is valuable to him and he will ensure you are able to do exactly what he's called you to do.

So when you get up tomorrow and get ready to start your day, thank God for having it under control and for keeping you safe.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

All the Noise, Noise, Noise

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 NIV

Some verses speak to me right away; others I dwell on during the day and as I'm reflecting back on my day, I see how God was speaking life to me all during the day. This verse spoke to me right away, but the world got in the way and changed how I view the message from today. How? News articles. Yep - those pesky pop-ups when you're perusing the daily news online. The one that caught my eye was a 'now trending' article on MSN health about a new study just published linking a skin condition to a higher risk of Alzheimer's. The condition? Rosacea. Yeah, that's what I wanted to hear today. For all the doom and gloom going around, all the uncertainty, all the strife, I needed to read that article. I have rosacea! I've dealt with it most of my adult life. And my mother has a form of dementia, not necessarily Alzheimer's and it wasn't 'early onset'. My mother kept her mind active her whole life. She was resourceful, smart, always reading and learning new things. I understand she has diabetes which has probably contributed, but I never thought in a million years she of all people would get dementia.

So then there's me - ack! No doctor I've talked to even knows how rosacea starts, what causes it or what causes breakouts. I've learned over the years what works and what doesn't, but it's always there. Now along with a familial history of diabetes and heart disease, I get a slightly elevated chance for Alzheimer's. Not how I pictured me in my golden years. So of course I looked into another article about how to lower your risk for all kinds of conditions, including forms of dementia.

As I was reading that last article, I thought about my daily verse and that's when I realized God has already taken care of it. Ain't he something? Freedom isn't just about doing what you want or having the ability to do what you want. It's freedom from worry, from pain controlling you, from stress, from fears about what may happen tomorrow, next week or 50 years from now. As the spirit of the Lord dwells in us, we dwell in him, and in him is peace and freedom. Real freedom. I don't need to stress about what may or may not happen in the future. I can prepare today, do my best to take care of myself, do my best at my job, do my best with our finances, do my best taking care of our children, do my best at being a friend. Then today will be over and I start again tomorrow. Taking each day as it comes and making each day count. In that alone there is a sense of freedom and relief. Knowing God is there to help and catch me adds a level of peace my human brain can't even understand but somehow does.

Tune out the noise from the world and listen to the One who created the world. He's all the news you need.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Planners Plan

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9 NIV

My first thought: boom. Mic drop. There it is in black and white. We can plan all we want, but God will put us where we need to be.

I recently changed jobs. I had several reasons and did my due diligence by adding up the pros and cons. It wasn't a snap decision and it was almost a year in the making. I desperately wanted out of where I was; God was having none of it. He was teaching me. There were things I needed to know and understand before I could move on. In my pain and stress, God was there holding me up and letting me know it would be ok. He also knew I loved my work, so I would need to get to a place where I could let it go.

So I planned. And planned and planned and planned. I added up my new salary and how it could help. I looked at new career paths and what I could be happy doing. But God needed me to know he was in control. He would put me where he wanted when he wanted.

So if you're like me and a planner, plan away. Just build into your plan enough time for God to do his work on you.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Fire Fuels

Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for; through the fear of the Lord evil is avoided. Proverbs 16:6 NIV

With love, sin is atoned for. With love, sin can no longer have a hold on you. With love. Not with yelling. Not with cursing. Not with strife. Not with violence. With love. Sin cannot feed on love. Much like we know cancer feeds and grows on sugar, sin grows on anger and hatred. It fuels the fire within and stokes the flames so that it rears its ugly head.

But love quenches the fire. God's love pierces the heart and pulls out the anger and fear and oppression of sin so that it no longer holds you captive. His light allows compassion and patience to live and thrive.

It's what we need in our world. More love, less anger. Be the one to quench the fire, not stoke the flames.

Saturday, September 23, 2017


For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4 NIV

I watched Armageddon tonight. We watched Independence Day last night. And all week we've been reading articles about how the world was ending today or it was the beginning of the end. If we do not know God's peace, this information could make us worry. There's plenty of voices loudly decrying the end of the world, the end of humanity, the end of freedom. We can listen to those but a better idea is to listen to the still, small voice that comes from the one who created the world. I think he would know when it will end.

This verse reminds us that God's words were written for our education and to give us hope for our future. Only God knows when he will return for his people. Only God knows his plans for the transformation of humanity. So why would we listen to fallible humans who only use a tenth of their brain power? Let's listen to the creator, who gives us hope and a future.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Take a Nap

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1 NIV

It's Friday night and I've enjoyed dinner and a movie at home with my family. It's been a long week. After about 6 weeks learning my new job and slowly getting accustomed to the work, this week got really busy. It's a good busy and I don't mind hard work and lots of it. I'll come home and work hard too, teaching and taking classes, preparing dinner, cleaning up and taking care of our household. We all have a lot on our plates. Some have more than one job or take care of multiple family units. We live in a very busy culture and a little hard work never hurt anyone.

But we also need rest. Our bodies are not made to function without it. Even God rested after spending six days creating the world. I'd call that a well deserved rest day. In order to find the rest we need and to be able to rest fully and completely, we must have the peace that only God can give. If we rest in him we need not worry about politics, nature events, financial crashes, or forgetting to respond to that email. God is above it all and so we can find the peace we need to rest.

So let the world rage on. God is in control. It's time for a nap.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Songs of Praise

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3 NIV

God's word doesn't need our help. This verse makes my heart happy and so I think I'll leave it right here, perfect as it is.

Praise him when life goes right.
Praise him when life goes wrong.
Praise him in the midst of pain.
Praise him in the midst of joy.
Praise him on a good day.
Praise him on a bad day.

Let your heart sing praises to the one who brings us eternal life.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Isaiah 53:3 NIV

Every day around the world people are undervalued, underpaid, underestimated. You've probably had it happen to you. I've had it happen to me and to people I know. Humans can be very selfish, self-centered, and self-indulgent. It's why we turn away from situations that are hard to take in. We believe that if we don't see it we won't think about it, and then it won't hurt our hearts.

But no matter what's happened to us, Jesus knew this pain first hand. He experienced the ultimate in being underestimated. People had no idea what he was capable of. Even when he performed miracles they attempted to disprove him, which goes to show that even if were to perform miracles, people would still be skeptical. We are afraid of what we can't explain or what is stronger or better than us. It's human nature. Jesus experienced it even though he was above it.

So the next time you feel underappreciated, ask yourself how Jesus would have handled it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Federal Regulations

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9 NIV

Undergoing a federal audit or monitoring is nothing to put lightly. I've done them for years now and no matter how much you think you know, there's always something to learn or to fix or to make better. One thing is for sure: the regulations are the end all, be all. What they say goes. Doesn't matter whether you read them online or print them out, they are always the same. You can count on them if you ever have a question about what you should or should not do. It doesn't mean they don't change, they do, but not often. When I'm asked a question, I ask a question in return: what do the regs say.

So upon reading this today, this verse was very satisfying to me as I thought about a physical description to liken God's steadfastness too. Our God IS God. He is. Not was. Not might be. He is. And he stands faithful throughout all generations.  He is always there, keeping his promises to those who love him. He is. He is faithful to forgive. He is. He can be counted on to never change.

God is the true end all, be all. Federal regs may come and go, but God stands forever.

Monday, September 18, 2017


Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. James 1:12 NIV

Giving up. Giving in. Quitting. These are options that seem easy, especially when the going gets tough. Our academy participated in a martial arts tournament this past weekend. I saw some students just quit in the middle of their form or during a sparring match. They didn't have it in them to finish. I also saw some keep fighting through and finish even if they didn't win. For some who kept on going, they received a medal, even if they didn't place. It signifies that they didn't quit. All their training and hard work stood for something. Athletes of all disciplines know that hard work does pay off if you can fight through the times where someone else was better or endure an injury.

Here on earth we may win a medal or even 15 minutes of fame for persevering. But eternity with the king awaits those who push through what life throws at us. It can be hard some days to keep going, but we must. God will help us through anything. We only need to call on him.

So the next time you feel like giving up, remember that God didn't give up on you. 

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Respect for the Master

Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” John 14:21 NIV

Over the past two days we watched as competitors of all ages and ranks put their skills to the test at our taekwondo tournament. Many many hours of hard work, training and creativity went into preparing for the tournament. It's a dedication known to athletes of all disciplines, not just martial arts. We also watched high rank students test for the next rank, and were privileged to watch one school owner test for the rank of Master. Years of training and hard work warrant a respect that's not common among the general population. When he speaks, you answer yes sir. When you ask him a question, you address him as sir or master. To do less would be a sign of disrespect. If you respect him you will address him properly, following the rules of order.

So God too warrants a respect for his omniscience. He is the alpha and omega. There is none other. If you respect him and love him you will follow his rules of order. Disrespecting his law, especially on purpose, would indicate you do not fully embrace who he is.

Respect for the one true Master and maker is warranted. If you love him, keeping his commandments will be easy. You will want to give him the respect he is owed.

Friday, September 15, 2017

All That Energy

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:28 NIV

At this moment in time I think I would love to never grow tired or weary. I love working hard and feeling that victory tired at the end of the day. It gives me that feeling of accomplishment. But after 3 or 4 hours at a martial arts tournament, the victory tired is more like victory busted. It's tough to compete and work a tournament.  As a high rank student and instructor you are pulled ten ways to none. You're helping students, judging rings, cheering on your teammates and then cleaning floors or putting up mats. It's 2 days of non stop. And it's awesome. But it wears us down and come Sunday, that's it...we're done.

I'm so glad God isn't like that. He may have rested on the 7th day after creation, but I think that was more for creation's benefit than his. God doesn't take naps. He doesn't take Sundays off when the weekend's been too hard. He always shows up pressed and dressed and ready to work. His omniscience is such that we cannot even fathom what it might be like to have never ending energy. Well, ok, just watch 7 year old little boys...they have energy we should bottle up and sell. But even they run out eventually. God never does.

He is everywhere. He is in everything. Let his strength and energy take you through when yours is gone.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Franklin and Edison

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. John 1:9 NIV

Franklin and Edison had no idea how much we would appreciate them many many years after their discoveries that gave us the ability to switch on a light bulb whenever we needed it. We've become so accustomed to electricity that we almost can't function without it. True, there are people who know how to "rough it", but at some point they'll benefit from electricity. Having light at night is comforting because you will always know where you're going. Flashlights guide you. Lamps give reading light. Fluorescent lights brighten our kitchen for cooking. Light brings warmth, comfort and peace to otherwise cold and dreary nights. Just think about sitting around a campfire on a chilly evening and you can feel the warmth permeating your soul.

John wrote about Jesus being the one true light of the world. He brings peace, warmth, guidance, and comfort to everyone. Just like that campfire or cozy reading light, Jesus shines to dispel the cold and darkness. Where he is, no darkness can penetrate. If we feel admiration towards Edison for inventing the lightbulb, we should feel overwhelming love and adoration for Jesus who shines brighter than any bulb Edison could have imagined.

In the aftermath of a hurricane like Irma or Harvey, we get a taste of what life might be like without electricity and artificial light. It's scary, dark, chaotic and chilling. Don't let that be the status of your heart without Jesus, the one true light of the world. The one that needs no electricity. He will shine bright for all eternity. Let him shine a light in your heart and dispell the darkness of sin.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Not All Wine and Roses

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Colossians 3:16 NIV

I read a FB post from my daughter and then I read this verse. What she said in her post illustrates this verse so well. People were complaining that they still did not have power after Hurricane Irma. My daughter cautioned people to be patient in not having power as some people had lost their homes. She also asked them to be thankful that things were not worse than they are.

As Christians, we tend to think that everything should be wine and roses, happy thoughts only, that always praising God means never saying anything negative. This verse points out that is not always the case, nor should it be. Anyone that has children knows you must sometimes correct bad or wrong behavior, not because the child is bad, but they did or said something that is wrong, hurtful or inappropriate.

We must also sometimes do this for our fellow Christians. Human emotions run deep and when faced with stressful times, our 'Christian' demeanor sometimes takes a back seat. That's when our fellow Christians can step in and admonish us, in love, to remember where our help comes from and to be grateful for our blessings. We have every reason to experience sadness, anger, resentment..all those emotions that people think are bad. It's not the feeling that is bad, it's the action and reaction to that feeling.

So yes, if people are complaining they are without power while the house next door has been levelled, I'd say a little admonishment and love is in order. Let's lift each other up in times like this. Let's help with gentle reminders of God's love

Monday, September 11, 2017


So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6‭-‬7 NIV

For the past few days, all of Florida has watched as Hurricane Irma set the whole state in her sights. Not knowing what the full impact might be, we prepped as best we could, from stocking water and canned goods, filling up on gas, charging every electronic we own, to evacuating if in vulnerable areas. We packed important papers, dusted off our insurance policies, grabbed cash and clothes, and hunkered down...waiting.

As we watched Irma come through, trees swayed, roads flooded, oceans roiled, and bays overflowed. Although there is considerable damage from flooding and high winds, Floridians learned a thing or two since Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Structures built since then withstood the high winds better than older ones. We learned to build homes and other structures that can hold up in inclement weatber, specifically hurricanes. We've rooted ourselves in knowledge, strengthening our homes against disaster. In the process, we have learned how to help each other in times of need. Understanding what the aftermath of a storm can be, we can be of greater assistance.

We can't give what we don't have which is why we should learn more about Jesus every day, learning his teachings and passing them on. Rooting ourselves in our faith, we can withstand the winds of the world when the storms come. We can also help others in times of need. To do this we must spend time in God's word, in prayer, and in practicing our faith. It is then we can be grounded and ready for anything.

We know storms will be coming. Do you have a plan? Are you prepared and grounded in Jesus?

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Bucket List

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1‭-‬2 NIV

Last night I was looking for a movie to watch on Netflix and found 'The Bucket List' with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. I had heard bits and pieces about the movie but has never seen it. From the trailers it looked to be a comedy and I was expecting something along the lines of 'Wild Hogs'. Well, that's not exactly true. The movie was poignant and well done. Both men faced cancer. Both were given less than a year to live. It was how they faced the mortal news that was the premise of the movie. Two unlikely strangers faced their final days together, doing things they never thought they'd do. It was as if they were attempting to set themselves free of the death sentence by ignoring it. Or maybe they hoped for a miracle that by living so freely they could beat the disease that was eating them alive.

I believe that as humans we know we are mortal but we don't think about it much. We spend our days trying to free ourselves from the law of death. We eat right. We exercise. We take care when working with power tools. We don't walk under ladders. We don't drink to excess. We do all this hoping to squeeze a few more years out of this life.

But our attempts are vain. We have an expiration date. Well, our physical bodies do. In order to preserve our souls for eternity, we must believe in the one who has set our spirit free from death. Free from sin. Free from eternal separation from God. Jesus offered up himself so that we might live forever. Sure we might be sad that our life hete is ending. People will mourn our passing. I think I will miss my family. But I will see them again because our God has conquered death so that we might live forever with him.

So no matter how much time you might have left, put God first on your bucket list.

Friday, September 8, 2017

The Least of These

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Acts 20:35 NIV

What a perfect verse for today. The world has been watching as Hurricane Irma churned its way to be the strongest cyclone on record. She comes on the heels of Hurricane Harvey that devastated Houston and other parts of Texas. A great many people have lost everything, some have even lost loved ones. We have seen the news as Florida has been making preparations over the past week where people could not just up and leave. All they have will be wiped away by wind and rain. There were some who are unable to leave on their own accord, whether elderly or disabled, or even without the proper resources. For a family struggling to pay bills, there's no money for extra gas and supplies, or for a hotel if they evacuate. Where will they go?

For many, Hurricane Irma will be a defining moment in their lives. And because of this, right now in Osceola County, staff members and volunteers of the Osceola Council on Aging have set up their special needs shelter, put out the cots and linens, fired up the kitchen and generators, and laid in supplies. They are manning the shelter around the clock for the most vulnerable citizens. In Tallahassee, staff members of local community service agencies went out on foot ensuring those who have no shelter know that a storm is coming and where the shelters are that they can seek refuge. All across Florida, first responders and emergency personnel are stocked and ready to go, working 12 hour shifts around the clock to ensure no one gets left behind. As we sit and wait to see what Irma does and how much impact she will have on our little town, I marvel at how much advance preparedness there was this time. No one was taking chances. As the old saying goes - prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

But in all this, people are helping people in need. Helping the least of these - the sick, the weak, the elderly, the disabled, the low income. These are disproportionally impacted by disasters and it is to these that Jesus called to his followers to help. The healthy person doesn't need a doctor, the sick person does. At least that's the way my dad always said it. He meant that we should help those that need help if we are able.

So in your preparations, remember there are people who will need help. Be kind. Be compassionate. Be patient. And most of all, remember that it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Desperately Seeking Something

One thing I ask from the Lord , this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple. Psalm 27:4 NIV

A lot of people are asking the Lord for lots of things right now. Safety from the storm. Capacity to rebuild after. Safety while travelling. Resources to prepare. Grace and strength for those suffering loss. These are just immediate needs that we ask help for from a divine power. We are almost helpless in some situations and we know there is no other way out except to get through it, which requires help from God.

David knew this all too well. He knew heartache. He suffered loss. Which is why his songs and prayers have a depth and range of human emotions that we can relate to. Yet through all this, he did not ask God for divine intervention in his struggles. He asked simply to be able to dwell with God for eternity. Why? To gaze at God's beauty. David knew the ugliness of human existence. He longed to look into the face of his savior forever.

His request is so simple yet so profound. It makes me almost ashamed of what I asked God to help me with today. But God cares about our earthly existence because he has a plan for us. And while he works in us, we should want to seek after him. In our seeking, we begin to see what he sees. In seeing that, we understand what he wants and it becomes our want. It is then we find true peace.

Be a seeker of God. Be a seeker of his temple.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Heed the Call

And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ Acts 2:21 NIV

What a perfect verse. Of course, God always has the right word at the right time. It's up to us to apply it to our lives. In the wake of Hurricane Harvey and in anticipation of Hurricane Irma, troops and relief efforts mobilize to ensure public safety during and after the storm, in addition to settle in for the long rebuilding period.

Unfortunately, these storms are unpredictable and devastating, especially for those who are vulnerable. We can prepare all we want and it could still not be enough. True, most will be physically safe, even if they lose their homes or businesses. And rescue personnel will do all they can to help people be safe.

But the truth is tbey won't be able to save eberyone. This is a reality we must accept, if even reluctantly. There is simply not enough manpower or preparation that can be 100% fool proof, allowing 100% citizen safety. Exacerbating this is the fact that not all people listen and respond to calla to evacuate. They refuse to leave their homes, or they simply cannot.

But God. I love that phrase..but God. God will save everyone...everyone that comes to him, that calls on him. All who believe will be given eternal life. He wants no one left behind and he has infinite resources to ensure your eternity with him. All you must do is heed his call. Evacuate from your sinful life, the one without God. Leave the darkness even though the light may be strange and new at first. The reward is worth it.

So in this hurricane season, if you are in the storm's potential path, be safe. And for everyone, call on the one who can save you with 100% certainty.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Do Good

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10 NIV

Just like you, I have seen the photo going around taken during Hurricane Harvey. Amid the destruction and chaos, a man rescues a woman and her baby. He carries her through the flood waters to safety as she's cradling her infant. Much has been said about this photo, both good, bad and indifferent. Some say it's humans at their best. Others say it's the natural order of things showing a man rescuing a woman.  Others are using it in the war on gender, saying stereotypes like this are what's wrong with the world.

No matter which side of the fence you reside on, this photo is a direct physical, earthly example of this verse. We were created in God's image, endowed with his spirit to do good works among us. The verse goes so far as to say that God prepared us in advance for that task. In advance. No on the job training here. We are already trained to do good. That good includes a lot, from taking care of our families no matter how blended, to doing well at our jobs, and if the time comes, to rescue someone in need of help. I am a woman and if I see a man in need and I can help, I should. I'm not going to sit and debate my gender, race, national origin or class status. I'm going to help him because it's the right thing to do.

I also hope that if a day comes when I need help that someone will help me,  and if it's my husband who comes to rescue me, I won't see it as a patriarchal show of machismo that I had to have a man rescue me. I will view it as an act of compassion because that's what it would be. My family taking care of me. Me taking care of friends.

We are pre programmed to do good, God's handiwork, created in Jesus to do good. Then let's do good.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

No Hollywood Here

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Psalm 84:10 NIV

Hollywood glamorizes the high life. Money. Fame. Big houses. Fancy cars. But besides money, it all comes with a price. Multiple marriages. Addiction. Families torn apart. It's all fun and games until you find out there's a price that must be paid in the end. There are some examples of Hollywood done right, but those don't sell tabloids. It may look like crime pays, and some may even get away with it for a while, but at some point they'll lose it all.

More subtly we may be presented with situations every day. A co-worker asks us to lie for them. We do something wrong or cross someone to promote ourselves. We are given extra change back and just keep it, or walk out of the store forgetting to pay for the bag of ice on the bottom of the cart and not going back in. I'd rather pay for that ice than to know I deliberately left without paying.

I'd rather go through life with a few less "things" knowing my reward is in heaven. Life is in the details and sunsets and quiet times and babies and small blessings and family and friends and that bill that gets paid.

God is in everything and because he's in everything I want to be with him.