Friday, April 20, 2018

Solving Puzzles

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1 NIV

I love to play solitaire. I have an app on my phone that gives me a daily challenge puzzle. I play both the traditional solitaire as well as spider solitaire. I have learned, as most of you may already know, that almost all solitaire puzzle combinations can be solved. In fact, so far I have solved 100% of all the spider solitaire puzzles I have attempted. The daily challenge puzzle for the traditional solitaire game has been, so far, always solvable. However, there is one catch: sometimes you have to replay the puzzle and make one move differently in order to solve it. One. I'm working the puzzle, moving cards around, and get to a point where I'm stuck. So, knowing the puzzle is solvable, I try again. But do you think I'm gonna make the same moves twice knowing I'll get to the same outcome? Nope. I try different moves. Sometimes it's only one move that makes the difference, like moving the 8 of hearts off the deck onto a black 9 instead of the 8 of diamonds which is on an adjacent deck. It's the card underneath that then triggers the solving of the puzzle. One move can make a difference!

The same can be said for words and actions. One word or action can make a difference - good or bad. And the great news is we already know what move we shouldn't make - use harsh words - don't answer angrily to a routine question. I've done it. I'm tired. I don't want to talk, and my answer comes out with the wrong tone, implying I'm angry or upset.

A lot of times in playing solitaire I don't know what different moves would make a difference, but here God gives us the piece of the puzzle we need to solve it! Carefully use your words. Consider your actions before moving. It can make a big difference in how your puzzle is solved.

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