Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68:19 NIV
Picture it. Your daily work site. You have one employee who complains about something every day. Every. Single. Day. They ran out of paperclips. There's dirt in the wheels on their chair. Their computer is slow. Someone is too loud in the next cubicle. It's too cold. It's too hot. You probably know someone like this. You may not supervise them, but if you did I imagine you would begin dreading going to work or opening your email for fear of what they will complain about next. I'm not saying these people are wrong or bad, but we all know perpetually unhappy people.
So now think about your biggest problem, burden or sorrow right now. It may seem unbearable to you, and it may be for a human. But for God, he gladly will hear our cries every day. Even if it's the same thing that he already knows about. He's waiting, patiently. Like us, he doesn't tire of hearing us. He wants us to lay our burdens at his feet.
Let him hear your daily briefing.