Thursday, August 31, 2017


Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 NIV

When I read this verse today I thought about it the way I've always thought about it: that we continue to do good, like help someone or minister the gospel, and we will be rewarded. The wonderful thing about this blog though is that as I think about the verse, God will show me new ways to apply his word. Yeah, he's just that cool.

So today's verse is for my youngest. She had a rough day. It started out with a fender bender and her first ticket (we've all been there...). It then went to no parking on campus. It continued with her school account getting hacked (we've all been there...). And it ended with her getting home and the power was out (yep, we've all been there too). But in the middle of all this, God was guiding her and watching out for her. I will admit it was an exhausting day for her guardian angel (she has one large one that's been hers since she was little, but before you think anything, I want to go out of this world exhausting my guardian angel...don't you?). But I digress.

In all of this chaos, she kept her cool and just continued through her day, handling each challenge with grace and dignity. Not an easy feat for a 21 year old  (or one of any age really). She did not grow weary, give up, pitch a fit, run home to hide. No. She kept going. And because of this, she reaped two rewards today. Despite the accident and no parking she made it to class on time. Then she was able to get a spot in a class she really wanted.

I know what you're thinking: those aren't rewards. Well aren't they? Small rewards for continuing the fight which is not always with the devil or big bad monsters. Sometimes it's just life. But how we react is our test for not giving up.

Each day presents it's own set of challenges. Dont give up. Act with grace and dignity. Ask for God's guidance. In the end, you will reap the rewards. If you're reading this in the comfort of your bed with your family safe and sound, yeah, you know something about rewards. God is good.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

All Seasons

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV

Time is something that we are bound by. Daily work shifts. Classes. Store hours. Years of Life. Minutes or seconds in life and death situations. We are physically bound by time as long as we occupy this planet.

We as Christians are also aware of God's timing. Sometimes he moves when we don't expect; sometimes He moves in what we consider too slow. But this verse sums up God's time. There is a specific time that he wants you in a specific place and no amount of begging, pleading or praying from you will make him change that. What we must do is ask for God's guidance and to discern what that timetable is. Sometimes we may end up in limbo, but God has a purpose for that too so don't waste any opportunity he gives you.

I've learned to look at everything as a learning opportunity, even the rough patches. Those teach us the most I think, valuable lessons we can use or share with others.

So in everything there is a season. In all seasons give thanks. In all seasons learn.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Pay it Forward

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Corinthians 1:3‭-‬4 NIV

What a great follow up from yesterday's post. We can't share what we don't have, and vice versa. People can't share what they don't have. If we don't give love, they can't pay it forward. If we don't give comfort to others they won't have it to share when someone they know is in need. That struggle you're going through is teaching you something that you can then use to help teach others. And in return you may receive a blessing from someone else paying it forward. This is the basic premise on which God bases his teachings. And it's how Jesus blessed so many. He taught his disciples who in turn passed it on.

In the middle of a struggle or low time it will be hard to learn. It's never easy grasping a concept when under stress. But as you come out of it and in your quiet times, ask God what you can take away from it to pass it on and pay it forward. Use what he does for you to bless others.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Love in Action

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18 NIV

In talking with a dear friend today, she mentioned my round with breast cancer and how good God was to heal me. I absolutely agree on that point. She also mentioned how strong I was and such a positive influence through it all. On that I couldn't agree so much because outwardly I may have appeared that way (it's a southern woman thing), but inside I was screaming and yelling at the universe and everything in it. But I told her I had lots of support. Love in action. Love not just with words but love that stayed with me at the hospital. Love that cooked us food. Love that drove me to doctors appointments. Love that got up with me every two hours to empty the tubes. Love that helped me dress and shower. And love that made me do my exercises even when they hurt. Love that wouldn't let me quit.

That's this verse made manifest in a physical sense. I also told her that I learned a lot during that time. I learned that things are things but that love and family and friends are forever. These are what money can't buy. I'd not give up one person I know and love for any amount of money, not even the mega lottery from last week. I had always had a big heart I think but I learned to love even deeper and better, and be a better me. Putting my words into action.

That may not have been a good time for me but something good came out of it. And that's how we should approach every day and every opportunity.  Put God's love in action and see what happens.

And thank you. Thank you all for loving me and all those around you.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Let There be Love

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV

Love. We all could use more love these days. And hope. Rebellions, kingdoms, countries, families and businesses are built on hope. When hope is gone all seems lost. When love is gone, your very strength leaves your body.

When you have limited resources you prioritize what you need against what you want. If you fail to do so, satisfying something in the moment may take away from something better or something crucial down the road. I may want to redecorate a room but if I get cheap things now just to make a change, I run the risk of not getting what I really want.

Hope. And love. Hope that there is something better. Hope that gets you up in the morning and sends you to work so you can plan for a better tomorrow. And love. Love that brings you home at night to family, friends and the place you've worked hard for.

Let love and hope guide you but above all, let there be love.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Cost of Freedom

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love. Galatians 5:13 NIV

Freedom isn't free. Freedom isn't doing what you want when you want to. Freedom isn't being free of responsibility. True freedom comes when we surrender to God's will and serve others with love. But if we are servants doesn't that mean we aren't free? On the surface it would seem so. But the only way to truly experience freedom is to understand the price that was paid and ensure others do as well.

Our hearts and minds were meant to be free of the burden of sin. In God we can celebrate that we are no longer shackled to sin and death. Our chains are gone. It is our duty then to tell others so they might be free.

Use your freedom wisely as it came at a high cost.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Walk it Off

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8 NIV

Being a wordsmith I may research the meaning behind the original word 'some'. What level is being referenced here? A little? A lot? What we truly think 'some' is? I probably work out more than some and less than some. But regardless of my level of activity I've certainly experienced its physical benefits for many years now. I've battled cancer twice, and the second time I was able to fend off depression, anxiety and weight gain. I was also able to heal quicker after surgery since my body was physically fit. I'd say exercise is important to me and to the lifestyle that I want to lead. I want to do cartwheels with my grandkids. Go swimming. Run and jump and play. Spend days walking trails or parks. Keeping fit will ensure I get to do these things.

But although it may prolong my physical life here, it won't erase the fact that death awaits. Eternity awaits. And where I spend it is what God is truly concerned about. It's what he's grooming me for. With every trial, every blessing, every sadness, every happiness, he is molding godliness in me so that I may reap the benefits when this life is over. I have to exercise my soul just as much as the rest of me.

I may spend hours training on the mats, hours dancing up a sweat and wear out shoes walking all in the name of fitness and heart health. But none of these activities can prepare my heart for eternity. Reading God's word. Practicing his ways. Showing his love. That's what will matter. That and knowing my name is in the book of life.

So jog, run, walk, dance, Zumba, kick and punch your way to a healthy lifestyle. But first get in God's word and fortify your soul.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Permanent Marker

neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39 NIV

You can add political parties and eclipses to the list in this verse. When we stand before God he will not be concerned with our political affiliation, if we stared at the eclipse too long, how popular we were, how much money we had, or even had much debt we got ourselves into. He won't ask us what we ate or how much we exercised. He won't even care to scroll through our social media to see how many times we shared posts about him, you know the ones...share this if you love Jesus.

No. He will ask but one question: did you ask Jesus into your heart and confess your sins before me? That's it. He'll look for your name but he ready knows that you are his. Nothing here will ever erase our name from that book. It's written in permanent marker like the ones your kids get hold of and draw on the walls. We may wander far and away, but he will always be there to welcome us back. He will not forget that we invited him into our hearts. He will not forget that we are his.

Nothing, ever, no-how. Nada. Such. Zero. God's love is permanent. Amen.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Writing on the Wall

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 NIV

Although I read my daily verse everyday, some days I feel God's word is just for me. Hence the reason I don't always write a blog. I do realize that God's word is for everyone, but some days I feel what he's trying to tell me is not for me to share. But this one is.

We all know that God doesn't exactly speak in plain English, writing his will for us literally on a wall. The Bible doesn't come right out and say...marry that person, don't buy that house, take that job. It is written perfectly and we are to use God's word along with prayer to discern his will. Yeah, well, we miss the mark sometimes I'm sure. Which is why this verse is very awesome.

After lots of prayer and thinking and pros and cons and justifying, after the  first few weeks into the new job I was afraid I'd made a mistake. Well, even if I did (which I don't think I did), God has promised that he would be with me WHEREVER I go. Pretty cool, right? Wherever. Not just "where God thinks you should go." Wherever. Wherever we find ourselves he will be with us and we do not need to be discouraged. This spoke so much truth to my heart. A new job, a new house, a new city, a new relationship, a new baby...all these take time to adjust to. Feelings are fleeting. We must believe that where we are is part of God's plan. But this verse goes one step further to let us know that even if we wander a little off the path, God will be with us. Such truth surely will heal your soul no matter where you are.

Let this word bring peace to your heart. Be strong and courageous. Know that God is with you always.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Practice Makes Perfect

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9 NIV

I think it's safe to say that this verse speaks for itself. The apostle Paul, in writing to the Philippians, wanted them to practice what he taught them. He didn't want them to just think about what was good or right. He wanted them to act on what was good or right. In doing so, God would be with them.

Plain. Simple. True. Nothing is better than that.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

No Grandstanding

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. James 3:13 NIV

In reading this verse I guess it may be safe to say we aren't seeing many people who are wise and understanding. Not many people are acting with humility. Too many people are acting like victims rather than conquerors through God. Too many people are shouting at others and blaming them rather than praying and asking for them to be forgiven. Too many people are forcing their beliefs on others claiming intolerance if you don't think like they do rather than living as Jesus  lived and accept others for who they are.

I don't have the answers but praise God I believe in the one who does. I don't have all this under control but praise God I serve the one who does. If there is to be peace we must learn to love others as God does, live in humility and show our wisdom through our actions. There is none righteous...not one, save Jesus alone. We must look to him.

Let's be wise and understanding in our ways rather than grandstanding.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Good Works

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

I've heard this verse my whole life, usually in the King James version: all things work together for good to them that love God. We spent hours listening to sermons and teachings about sorrow, pain, misfortune...that in all of these we should find something good. That God is allowing this and something good will come of it.

Well pardon my French but, There are some things that there is no good, nada, zilch. God may be there, but in our human existence there is sometimes just no good to be found.

Which is why I'm loving this NIV version. My wordsmithing English major mind is doing backflips over it! Look at how its worded: in all things God works for the good of those who love him. Epiphany! This verse isn't saying there's something good in everything. It says that in all things God works for our good. No matter what we are going through God is there with us doing a work in us. A good work. We may never see the light of that good work. But the finished product brings us closer to him, closer to fellowship with him. I've said it many times, He is not interested in our comfort. He is working to purify us for eternal fellowship with him. Just as we know there are some things more important than where we live, what we do for a living, so God knows there is one thing more important than anything else: our soul resting with him for eternity.

So take a new look at this verse. Read it in another version. Let the words melt into your soul and enlighten your spirit. God loves you so much that he uses everything to do a good work in you.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


I wait for the Lord , my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. Psalm 130:5 NIV

When I read this verse yesterday, as I do most mornings I pondered about how it might apply to my day. And as it usually goes God showed me.

Words. We use them every day. To talk. To text. To sell. To buy. To make. To love. To hate. To say hello. To say goodbye. Words have power. And when the words we use are contrary to God's message, people have no hope in which to rest. When we use words to tear others down, it invites Satan to take over our thoughts and actions, leading us away from God's promises.

The power of life and death are in the tongue. It is a two-edged sword capable of cutting people to their very core. A parent can do irreparable harm to their child through words of disdain and criticism. An employer can dessicate their staff through a constant barrage of hateful words and disrespect. A captain can lead their team to ruin with yelling and cursing.

Your world runs on words. Your daily life depends on the written and spoken word, in many forms, to convey ideas and move people forward. It is heartbreaking when we see people using their words not for good but to sow hatred, fear and divisiveness. I am heartbroken as I feel God is as he watches these people he loves treat each other this way. It's not unlike a parent watching siblings fight.

Our Constitution guarantees us the right to free speech, to use our words however and whenever we want to. But just because we can doesn't mean we should. And if we must criticise, if we must speak out against a wrong, let it be done with love. Come with a solution. Come with an open mind.

I love words. I'm an English major because of my love for words, especially the written word. Every writer's aim is to convey emotions and ideals through their words. Sometimes we fall flat. Other times we hit our mark, and we should always strive for that mark to be a positive one. It's important for others to hear love and unconditional acceptance.

God's words are so powerful and so true that we can put our hope in His word alone. That's how we should use our words. We should use them to give hope and love to others. Speak life. Speak love. And above all else, seek God's words first.


I wait for the Lord , my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. Psalm 130:5 NIV

When I read this verse yesterday, as I do most mornings I pondered about how it might apply to my day. And as it usually goes God showed me.

Words. We use them every day. To talk. To text. To sell. To buy. To make. To love. To hate. To say hello. To say goodbye. Words have power. And when the words we use are contrary to God's message, people have no hope in which to rest. When we use words to tear others down, it invites Satan to take over our thoughts and actions, leading us away from God's promises.

The power of life and death are in the tongue. It is a two-edged sword capable of cutting people to their very core. A parent can do irreparable harm to their child through words of disdain and criticism. An employer can dessicate their staff through a constant barrage of hateful words and disrespect. A captain can lead their team to ruin with yelling and cursing.

Your world runs on words. Your daily life depends on the written and spoken word, in many forms, to convey ideas and move people forward. It is heartbreaking when we see people using their words not for good but to sow hatred, fear and divisiveness. I am heartbroken as I feel God is as he watches these people he loves treat each other this way. It's not unlike a parent watching siblings fight.

Our Constitution guarantees us the right to free speech, to use our words however and whenever we want to. But just because we can doesn't mean we should. And if we must criticise, if we must speak out against a wrong, let it be done with love. Come with a solution. Come with an open mind.

I love words. I'm an English major because of my love for words, especially the written word. Every writer's aim is to convey emotions and ideals through their words. Sometimes we fall flat. Other times we hit our mark, and we should always strive for that mark to be a positive one. It's important for others to hear love and unconditional acceptance.

God's words are so powerful and so true that we can put our hope in His word alone. That's how we should use our words. We should use them to give hope and love to others. Speak life. Speak love. And above all else, seek God's words first.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Security System

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 NIV

This is true. Only know what's more? We let that nasty thief in. We open the door and invite him in and give him a guided tour. Then we let him sleep in the guest bedroom and fix him breakfast. Yep. We do that. Silly humans.

You're sitting there do I do that? I don't want that mean old thief in my house. Well, when we think we know better and we don't follow God's laws, or listen to his teaching, we open the door for sin to enter our lives. This keeps us from hearing God. So we make our own choices which may not be what God wants for our lives. So he has to redirect us and that can be painful. It's worse than hearing your TomTom tell you to make a legal u-turn.

So yes, we have the power to shut the door to that thief. When we praise God we shut him down. When we pray before acting we keep him out. And when we bless the name of the Lord that old thief has to leave. God's presence surrounds us so fully that he's got nowhere to go but out.

I am claiming this verse today.  I'm  not letting that thief in. In the name of Jesus I bless my Lord, my god. I give my home and heart fully to your will. The thief has no place here. Amen.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

What's in a Name

The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord , and his name the only name. Zechariah 14:9 NIV

We've been hearing a lot of names lately. Names of presidents, incoming and outgoing White House staff, evil dictators, and which actors were arrested or sent to rehab. Lots of names. People with wealth, power, fame and fortune. People who think they rule the world simply because they have power. They believe in the golden rule: whoever has the gold makes the rules. And in our human existence this may be a truth we must live with.

But there is only one God. There is but one name that will cause all knees to bow, even those on high horses. Even those with millions. Even the most famous in the world.

It doesn't matter how much wealth you amass or what your title is, the one true God is the only name that will matter.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Contracts and Grants

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV

I work with federal grants and most everyone know those come with lots of red tape. In drafting a new grant agreement, the one I was working from wasn't quite where I wanted it to be, so I started a new one. The new version will have all the bells and whistles and be precise and strong, with carefully crafted language. It will be the model I use to write the other grants. This new one will help make the others stronger and more resistent to potential problems down the road.

The human condition caused our original untainted predecessor to be full of holes and not quite where God needed him to be in order to commune with God the way God intended it to be. The new version needed tweaking. God searched for centuries, thinking he'd found a replacement a time or two only to be let down. So he took matters into his own hands, threw out the old ones and made a whole new contract with man. He sends Jesus to be made perfect for us since we can't do it ourselves. We believe in him. We are made perfect through the contract of the cross. We can now commune with God as he intended. Grant closed. It always feels good to close a contract and know that it was perfectly executed. That's how God does things. Perfectly.

So sign on with him today. Let Jesus make you whole again through the cross.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Impossible, Maybe Not

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 NIV

Christians love to use this verse to show evidence of God's power over everything. Nothing is impossible with God. Indeed this is said time and again throughout the Bible. So why is this particular verse used as the cornerstone of a Christian's faith?

It may be because of why Jesus said these words at this time. He was talking with his disciples and he had just told them that it's easier to thread a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven. They were taken aback because Jesus had been saying that anybody can be saved. That is true but a wealthy man will not feel like he needs God. If he doesn't think he needs God then he won't believe in Jesus. He believes his money and good works will buy him a ticket. And we all know how well that works out.

We can't let anything, whether it's money, fame, a job, or a person keep us from knowing we need God. Even if our lives are fairly benign, we will at some point experience pain, indecision, or bad choices as part of the human experience. We need God no matter what's going on here. Here is only temporary.

So yes, with God all things are possible. With man, not so much. Let God do the impossible for you.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Sleep Like a Cat

In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 56:4 NIV

The reason I didn't post about this verse yesterday was because I wasn't sure of an application in daily life. Silly me. I am truly just a mere mortal. God reminded me this morning when he reminded me of the promise he gave me.

I received some information that worried me, made me fret. I did start to pray so at least I got that part down. And that's when he reminded me that he had already taken care of it. He's promised me I would have what I need when I need it. So why did I even worry? Why was I afraid? What can human problems do to me if I trust God? If I trust him I never need to worry.

Does that mean I don't need to prepare? No. I need to get ready to face whatever it is I need to face by praying, working and doing what I need to do. But I don't need to be afraid. Of that I am certain. I can rest just as calmly as my cat is who's sleeping next to me.

God's promised it. I trust him. He's got this.

Friday, August 4, 2017

So Simple Yet So Complicated

All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. John 6:37 NIV

Jesus had just fed the 5,000 right in front of the disciples, yet they still didn't believe. But there was something to it and they knew they wanted a never-ending supply. They begged Jesus to always feed them of the bread of life. That is when he answered them, with this verse. If his father gives them to him, he will not turn them away.

If the father gives them to him. Those are powerful words. How do you get God to give you something, especially the soul and eternity of a human being? You believe. Earlier in this passage Jesus said the disciples had one job to do: to believe in him that sent Jesus. To believe. That's it.

So simple yet we complicate it. If you're a patent, you know how uncomplicated it is to give your children what they need. Others looking in from the outside may think it's wrong, but they aren't seeing what you see. It is the same way with God. He sees what others do not. He sees a soul lost to eternity that could be saved. And so he gives everything, right down to his own flesh, because we need it.

Don't overcomplicate it. God loves you.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Double double toil and trouble

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? Romans 8:35 NIV

I checked several other versions of this verse and each one started with 'who'. Not 'what' but 'who'. That changes things in this verse. Each of the items listed are referred to as a who not a what. Not things. This means these are very real troubles we can have. The apostle acknowledges the fact that troubles are real, not a thing to be disregarded. We will will have trouble. Trouble will find us.

It's usually said that when you humanize your fears and put a face or name to it, it's no longer strange to you,  therefore not as scary. Maybe that's what this verse wants us to do. Put a name to your trouble. Recognize it for what it is. Then remember the one who is bigger than any trouble you could ever have. You will realize you now have power over it. Power to push through no matter what.

So the next time trouble or distress comes your way, name it. Then tell it the name of the one who holds you in his hands.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Praise When You Pray

Give praise to the Lord , proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Psalm 105:1 NIV

I was reading this as I was praying and was struck with the thought...i need to praise more than I pray, or at least as much as. When we pray, we ought to fill it with praise. In doing so we demonstrate our faith in him who is able to do more than we ask.

When we are in a trusted relationship, each person understands they have obligations to fulfill. Some of those are unspoken yet are just as expected as any other. Most of the time we don't even have to ask, it's just done, each doing their part. So we should be thanking each other more than asking.

So it is with God. If we truly trust him we know that we have obligations as does he. We must trust him to do his part, praising and thanking him rather than just asking.

So the next time you pray, put some praise in there, trusting that God has done more than you ever need to ask.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Be Still but Busy

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 NIV

I read two articles today that talked about the same thing: doing your best. One was a Vietnam vet receiving the medal of honor for his actions during the war. When asked about it he said he was given a job and he just did it. He did it the best he could. Another was about a woman air force officer named as the first woman commander of an air base. When asked about her success she said she just did her best; the rest takes care of itself.

Both of these articles pointed out how you shouldn't try to do the job lime someone else. You do your best and that's all it takes.

This verse talks about being still. But it isn't about not doing anything. It's about quieting your heart so you can hear what God needs to tell you. While we wait on God, we should be about our business doing our best. People will see how we act regardless of our circumstances and it will be a witness for God's love, grace and mercy.

Be still but be about our business. Do your best every day.